Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Message for the day 

Wisdom is to learn from one's experiences. 

Expression: Things do not always go smoothly. In spite of the difficulties that we are faced with, the wisdom within us enables us to learn from all that happens. Naturally with this learning we would experience progress. If not, we will only be caught up with the past and lose the present too. 

Experience: When we find ourselves thinking about the past, or caught up with it, we need to redirect our thoughts towards a more constructive goal. We have to see if we have benefited in some way with the particular experience of the past. Our wisdom enables us to learn from everything that happens. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Message for the day 

Flexibility makes problems into teachers. 

Expression: Flexibility enables us to move with time, slipping through life as gently and strongly as possible. When problems do come, instead of stopping with fear, we will be able to learn from them and move on, experiencing constant progress. 

Experience: In any problem that we are faced with we need to remind ourselves that the situations around us will not remain the same, things might get worse too. If we are able to be flexible now we will be able to adjust ourselves to any kind of situation that we might be faced with in the future too. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Message for the day 

To be experienced means not to be deceived by anything. 

Projection: There are so many times when a situation takes us by surprise and we make the same mistake that we had made before. It is only when the situation has passed that we realise that we have actually repeated that mistake. What then remains is only repentance as the time has passed where we could have done something. 

Solution: Whenever there is a mistake, we need to take care that we learn from whatever has happened. When we continue to move forward in this way there will be no repentance for the mistakes made but there will be learning that'll make us experienced. And when we are experienced we'll never be deceived by situations which make us commit mistakes. 

Effects Of Anger On The Human Body 

In numerous studies, anger has been found to have a completely negative effect on our physical well-being. In one such study, reported at a recent conference on forgiveness and peace in the US, it was demonstrated that letting go of negative feelings that we have for someone due to his/her negative actions relieved and reduced chronic back pain. 

It seems we have been conditioned to treat any tension-triggering event, be it a small accident or a conflict with a partner or colleague, as a big problem or crisis. At these moments our bodies generate and release the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Our heart accelerates, our breath quickens and our mind races. It's all harmless if the tension or fright is brief and once in a while, like a near miss while driving, but the emotional disturbances of anger and hatred are like accidents that don't end, and hormones turn into toxins. The depressive effect of cortisol upon the immune system has been linked to serious diseases and disorders. According to a recent medical research, "Cortisol wears down the brain, leading to cell degeneration and memory loss. It also raises blood pressure and blood sugar, hardening the arteries, leading to heart disease." 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Message for the day 

With humility and love, flexibility becomes natural. 

Expression: In order to be flexible we need to have the virtue of humility. With humility we will be willing to understand the people around and their behaviour. Then we will also be able to have love for them. This automatically brings flexibility within us. 

Experience: When we come across people who are not being cooperative, we need to become humble and try to understand what the they are communicating, if not through words at least through their actions. When we are able to listen with love and understanding, we will no more be rigid but can easily adapt ourselves. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Message for the day 

Habits break easily when there is flexibility. 

Expression: The more we work with a habit the more it will be strengthened. When we hold on to our habits because of our rigidity, we will never be able to change them but will only be strengthening them all the more. On the other hand if we are flexible we will be able to give up unwanted habits very easily. 

Experience: If we are working with any habit which we want to get rid of, we have to remind ourselves that we must not strengthen the habit any more but have to break it. We only need to emerge the flexibility within us and tell ourselves that we needn't act in the same way that we have always done, instead we can think of something new. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Message for the day

The more we experience peace within the more there will be positivity in our life. 

Projection: We usually try to change ourselves and our negativities by working on each of them separately. We might be able to overcome them also but being connected to the other weaknesses we find that they reemerge again. Then we find that the negativity remains in our life influencing all our thoughts, words and actions. 

Solution: We first need to make a promise to ourselves to maintain our own inner positivity. Once we do that we also need to make an attempt to practice relaxing our mind and remaining calm before we do any important thing. When we practice in this way we will be able to keep our mind calm and this calmness will bring contentment through which there will be positivity in all we do. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Factors that Bring Us Closer To Failure 

Given below are ‘some’ factors that bring us closer to failure: 

• Dejection and Disillusion. 
• Fear. 
• Ignorance. 
• Confusion. 
• Influences. 
• Mental weakness. 
• Insecurity. 
• Inexperience. 
• Ego, arrogance. 
• Mistrust. 
• Attachment, dependencies. 
• Excuses, laziness, putting off. 
• Excess of acceptance with submission. 
• Fear of being yourself. 
• Making judgements without an objective vision. 
• Nervousness. 
• Not taking on limits. 
• Low self-esteem. 
• Blockages. Not going forward. 
• Intolerance. 
• Rigidity – inability to adapt to different situations. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Simple Exercise To Identify Your Hidden Fears 

If you want to overcome and overpower fears that exist inside you, you have to first take a look at your feelings and hidden emotions. After realizing your feelings and emotions, you have to know how to manage them and finally correct or overcome them. Given below is a simple exercise that will help you to achieve that. This exercise will help you identify the conscious and sometimes sub-conscious (very subtle) fears that lie inside you. 
Choose an area of your life that you feel is negative and needs some improvement. Now, ask yourself these three questions: 

1. What do I really want, what is my aim and objective? 
2. What obstacle/obstacles are stopping me from achieving my objectives? 
3. What prevents me from dealing with or overcoming that obstacle? 

For each fear that comes to you in response to the question no. 3, ask yourself the following questions: 
A. What is the worst that can happen, if what I fear occurs? 
B. What is the best possible result for me and for others, if I do it even though I feel afraid of doing it? 
C. Keeping in front of you the answer to question B and comparing it with the answer to question A will inspire you to overcome the fears that lie inside you. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Message for the day 

The fire of anger can be cooled with

the sprinkling of the cool water of virtues. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Message for the day 14-01-2013

Determination enables us to overcome 

our weaknesses. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

message for the day

Learn to make the whole world  your own . No one is a stranger , my child ; this whole world is your own.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Message for the day 11-01-2013

Our words are effective only when we combine them with pure thoughts and inspirational actions.